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Corporate Fraud Giant Enron Resurrects as Parody With a Crypto Twist


Another entertaining mystery has hit the internet as someone has brought back the name of Enron, claiming they're here to "solve the global energy crisis" and hinting that they'll use decentralized technology. However, the authors of the project warn that this is a parody.

"In 2024, Enron begins a new chapter, dedicated to solving the world's energy challenges with innovation, adaptability, and a commitment to a brighter future," according to a press release posted on the website.

They claim that their leadership team "is focused on setting a high standard for ethical business practices" and "serving as a model for corporate responsibility worldwide."

Enron went bankrupt in 2001 after it was revealed that this multibillion-dollar electricity, natural gas, communications, and pulp and paper company was engaged in accounting fraud.

Meanwhile, the new Enron says they have acknowledged the past and are committed to integrity with a "forward-looking approach that prioritizes collective growth and learning."

However, in the Terms of Use and Conditions of Sale, the project warns that the information on the website is a parody, "represents performance art, and is for entertainment purposes only."

While they promise to announce "something very special" in seven days, the website is already offering merchandise such as hoodies, t-shirts, stickers, and more.

The website also has a section dedicated to decentralization, claiming, "Decentralized technology is advancing, and we will of course have a role to play in its future." They also warn users to stay vigilant and avoid falling for scams.

This has prompted speculation in the crypto world that the Enron project might be dedicated to launching a new memecoin. Someone has already rushed to capitalize on this opportunity by launching the ENRON memecoin and defrauding naïve crypto traders.

CNN has found that Arkansas-based The College Company acquired the Enron trademark for $275 in 2020. The company is co-founded by Connor Gaydos, known for "Birds Aren’t Real," a mock conspiracy theory.

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